Why Hire a Texas Lemon Law Attorney?

by | Sep 28, 2016 | Attorney

Just like almost every other state, Texas has a lemon law that protects you if you bought a new car that turns out to have a serious defect. Unlike other states, in Texas it can be quite tricky to qualify as the protections under the lemon law are very complex and the coverage doesn’t start immediately as it does in other states. For that reason alone, it is an extremely good idea to keep detailed records if you buy a new car. If it turns out that you believe you have a purchased a lemon, because the Texas lemon law is so tricky, you are wise to hire a Texas lemon law attorney.

The Definition of a Lemon in Texas

For a vehicle to be considered as a lemon in Texas, the state takes into account three different types of standards which include:

   * How many times the dealer or manufacturer as attempted to repair the same issue,

   * Whether or not the same problem has left the vehicle out of service for an extended period of time, and

   * Does the defect create a serious safety hazard that could lead to the risk of injury or death or that acutely impairs your ability to operate the car?

Typically, you will have to prove there were at least two failed attempts at repairs during the first 12 months or 12,000 miles of your ownership of the vehicle and two more failed attempts during the second 12 months or 12,000 miles that you owned the vehicle. It is referred to as the four times test. There is also what is referred to as the 30 days’ test and the serious safety hazard test. In order to file a claim under the Texas Lemon Law, there are strict requirements as to time limits under which you can file. As you can see, if you wish to proceed and win, having Texas lemon law attorneys such as Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® on your side is a logical choice.

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