Early Warning Signs That Landscape Pest Control in Spokane is Necessary

by | Nov 15, 2016 | Landscaping

The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful region to call home. Unfortunately, the area’s human residents aren’t the only ones who believe this to be true. A number of common pests, including spiders, roaches, wasps, ants, spiders, mosquitoes, and many other insect species. All of these unwanted visitors can wreak havoc on property owner’s lawns and landscapes if left unchecked. However, not all insects pose an immediate danger to carefully maintained outdoor environments. In fact, some predatory insects actually work very hard to keep other damaging populations in check.

It’s important to know the difference between harmful and helpful insects, and to recognize early warning signs of potentially damaging infestations. The tips below are designed to help residents decide when it’s time to call in professional Pest Control in Spokane.

Partially or Completely Eaten Leaves

Many insects consider the leaves of trees, shrubs, and garden plants a delicacy. Noticing a few bites taken out of a favorite ornamental tree may be cause for mild concern, but it isn’t in and of itself reason to call in an exterminator. However, if noticeable damage is being done to one or multiple plants, stripping their leaves and inhibiting their growth, there are likely more than just a few pests calling the property home, and the problem can only get worse without adequate treatment.

Discoloration or Wilting

In addition to providing a source of food, the leaves of many plants can also appeal to pests as a perfect place to lay their eggs. This often causes discoloration, particularly around the sides of leaves, mold-like growths, and wilting. Catching these signs early can prevent a full-blown infestation when these eggs hatch, so keep an eye out for changes in color and unexplained sticky substances.

Damage to Grass Blades

There are a few species of insects that can damage lawns, although most focus on trees and shrubs. Their presence will make itself known at first in small patches, in which areas of grass may turn yellow or brown or even completely die off. It’s best to take action immediately, as these small areas can spread to cover an entire lawn if left unchecked. The best thing to do is call a company that specializes in both lawn maintenance and pest control in Spokane, as many other factors may also be influencing the lawn’s health. Browse our website for more information or to get a free estimate today.

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