Dentistry for Children in Phoenixville Can Help You Care For Your Child’s Primary Teeth

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Health

Primary teeth play an important role in your child’s growth and development. Though they are only in your child’s mouth for a few years, it is vital that you do everything you can to keep them clean and free of cavities so your child can develop good oral health, learn to properly pronounce words and develop a normal jaw structure to support their future permanent teeth. Dentistry for Children in Belfair WA can help parents care for their children’s teeth and instruct children on how to care for their own smile.

Primary teeth are used by young children as they try new food textures. As toddlers get older, they can learn about different foods and decide which foods they prefer over others. The more variety young children have in their diets, the more likely they are to develop healthy eating habits as they get older. The primary teeth help them explore their foods while they are young.

It is important for parents to begin taking care of their children’s teeth as soon as they erupt. Parents should clean their baby’s teeth with a soft cloth until they are old enough to have their teeth cleaned with a toothbrush. Until children know how to spit out toothpaste, their teeth should be brushed with non-fluoride toothpaste.

A child’s primary teeth are placeholders for the 32 permanent teeth that will erupt later in their life. Though the primary teeth are temporary, they are necessary to support the bone structure in a young child’s jaw. The permanent teeth will later reside in the same jaw bone.

Dentistry for Children in Belfair WA is available as early as their first birthday. The sooner parents bring their child to see the dentist, the more comfortable they will be as they get older. If your child ever needs a dental procedure, it is important for them to be familiar with the dentist and their offices so they aren’t overly anxious or fearful of the dental team or equipment. The caring dentists at Pediatric Dentistry of Belfair WA are trained and experienced in taking care of children’s teeth and treating oral health conditions that affect their young patients.

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