When Mom and Dad Need Just a Little Help: Senior Companion Program

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Health

Being the middle-aged child of elderly parents is a balancing act. You want your parents to be safe, well, and cared for ­­– but your parents might see themselves as independent and still able to do it all. They don’t want to give up their home in a familiar neighborhood or move away from the friendships built over a lifetime. You don’t want to butt in but you don’t want to butt out either, knowing that moving to an assisted living facility is a wrenching dislocation for seniors. This is where a senior companion program can make staying in their own home feasible and practical.

What Does a Senior Companion Program Do?

Senior companions specialize in providing non-medical care and assisting with everyday tasks. For instance, a companion might help with getting out of bed, bathing, dressing, and grooming before a trip to the senior center or the grocery store. Companions can also help with light housecleaning, making beds, help with preparing meals, or just providing companionship, a friendly face, and someone to talk to. It all depends on what your folks need to stay in their own home, on their own terms.

How to Get Started

Talk to your parents, ask them what kind of help they need around the house to do the things they used to do or to get around town. The odds are that while they might not want to go “to the home,” they won’t object to finding out more about Business name companion program and how it can help them to stay in their beloved Washington DC home. These services can be an invaluable way to make sure that aging loved ones are safe and well, and provide extra reassurance to “the kids” that their parents are in good hands.

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