What Are The First 24 Hours Of Substance Abuse Treatment Like In St Paul

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Health

Congratulations! You are on the right track to recovery from substance abuse the minute you accept you have a substance dependency problem and need to do something about it. So, you’ve found a good treatment facility, secured admission, but you are still anxious about the treatment process. Here’s what to expect during the first twenty-four hours of substance abuse treatment St Paul residents have available.

Medical assessment

Medical assessments are normally part of the intake process, where professionals conduct tests to customize a specialized treatment plan for you. The tests may require you to provide your medical history, your history of alcohol or drug usage, and any other underlying conditions that could tamper with the substance abuse treatment St Paul.

Settle in

Once the assessments are done, inpatient clients will be allowed to rest for the day and begin familiarizing themselves with their new home for the next thirty or more days. Outpatient clients may be released after the medical assessment and requested to return for treatment the next day.


Substance abuse treatment St Paul offers, doesn’t condone the use of drugs within the treatment center. Detox commences immediately once you’ve been admitted into the facility. Thankfully, with the availability of professional help, the risk of a relapse will be minimized through medical stabilization and monitoring until you are fully detoxed.

Getting your life back on track requires a lot of dedication and commitment. Contact “Company Name” now to speak to a specialist or surf through our site “website URL” to read more about our company and services.

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