Restorative Dental Care Montreal Options for Everyone

by | Feb 26, 2013 | Dental Services

The restorative sector of the dental industry has improved drastically. Many people with poor dental health think their situation is beyond repair and believe there’s no reason to visit a dentist because he or she will not be able to do much. This is actually quite the contrary. There are many amazing advancements in the world of restorative dental care Montreal and it’s essential you know your options and take advantage of these new techniques.

Once you visit with your dentist, you will see the many options available for restorative dental care Montreal. There’s no reason to hide your smile or feel self-conscious about smiling in photos. With the restorative dental care advancements, dentists are able to completely restore your smile with dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are part of a restorative dental care plan where the entire tooth needs to be replaced. It is vital to understand that dental implants are not the same as dentures. While dentures are not stationary and can move around in your mouth depending on the mold, dental implants are implanted and a permanent solution for restorative dental care. You will love the look of your new teeth and they will feel and function as natural teeth.

With dentures, you may still have limits on the foods you consume. Dental implants are bonded directly to the gums and permanent, allowing you to eat anything crunchy or sticky. You brush the teeth and care for them just as you would natural teeth.

How Long Does It Take to Get Dental Implants?

It can take several months to finish the process of dental implants. You will discuss with your dentist what the best plan of action is for your needs. Obviously replacing a bridge of teeth versus one or two teeth will take longer and will require a serious time commitment, as well as sizeable payment. Most people, including smokers, who suffer from tooth loss are viable candidates for receiving dental implants.

Discuss with your dental professional payment plans that fit your budget before starting down the path of dental implants. While it can be costly, most offices offer payment plans that allow you to have the work done as you pay down the balance. Because the process of dental implants is often stretched over a course of months, this means you typically do not have to pay in one lump sum.

Visit for more information on how to make your teeth sparkle. We offer dental implants for those who want their smile back for good.

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