Reasons to Entrust Your Case to a San Francisco Car Accident Attorney

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When you cause a vehicle wreck, you might find yourself at risk of a variety of legal threats. You could lose your license and become the target of an expensive lawsuit. You might even face jail time if you injure or kill someone.

You have the right to retain legal help to defend you in all of your cases, however. You can get that type of assistance and possibly protect yourself from jail, fines and loss of your license when you retain representation like a San Francisco car accident attorney.

Defending Yourself in Court

When the victim of the wreck sues you, you have the right to take the case to court and defend yourself. You might have suffered a medical mishap that caused you to wreck into a pedestrian or motorist. You might have also been driving in inclement weather conditions and could not stop your car from sliding on wet surfaces.

Your lawyer can explain all of these details to the court. The judge may decide to dismiss the case and instead allow the victim to make a claim against your insurer. You may also avoid having to go to jail for circumstances that were beyond your control.

You can find out more about retaining a San Francisco car accident attorney online. To discuss your case with a lawyer in this type of legal specialty, you can reach out to Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C.

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