Legal Services Your Social Security Attorneys in Bakersfield Handle

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Law Services

When you are ready to file for SSI or SSDI, you may have questions about how to get started or even where to send off your case filing once you finish it. You want to ensure it ends up in the right court clerk’s hands and gets on the court’s docket as quickly as possible.

You also may wonder what proof you need to submit with the actual case filing or what kinds of information is best left for an appeal. Rather than make these important legal decisions yourself or risk filing your case incorrectly, you can hand it off to one of the Social Security attorneys in Bakersfield to handle for you.

Timely Filing

Once you decide to file for these types of benefits, you may need to act within a certain timeframe. You might not be able to wait for months or longer to send off the proof the judge needs. Once you notify the court of your intent to file, you must follow through or risk having your case dismissed or not put on the docket.

Your lawyer can file that legal paperwork and send it off the court’s clerk in a timely manner. You avoid the risk of waiting until it is too late to get a prompt hearing or not proving to the judge that you have a valid illness.

Learn more about hiring Social Security attorneys in Bakersfield online. Contact Peña & Bromberg for more information.

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