How Can Homeowners Deal With Ant Control?

by | Jul 28, 2017 | Pest Control

When the warm months arrive, ants begin to become a problem. They will enter through the tiniest of cracks and can be more than a simple nuisance. Some ants, such as fire ants, can cause painful bites that blister and itch. When a home has been invaded with these insects, it is important the owner knows how to deal with Ant Control.

Tips For Getting Rid of Ants

When a home has an ant problem, it is typically in the kitchen. Ants are attracted to all types of food, especially sweet foods. Even a few crumbs can soon cause an influx of ants to surround it. One of the most important things a person can do for Ant Control is to make sure they seal all foods and keep their kitchen free of any food residue that might welcome these unwanted pests.

Keeping counters and tables free of crumbs and spills is crucial for keeping ants at bay. Cleaning counters and tables with vinegar water will help to remove any sticky residue that might attract ants. It is also important a homeowner seals any cracks around their doors, windows, and flooring so the ants will not have easy access to the home.

When Is a Professional Exterminator Needed?

When a homeowner has worked to keep their kitchen clean and is still finding ants to be a problem, it may be time to call in a professional. DIY bait traps and sprays do not take care of the full ant population.

A professional exterminator will first determine the type of ant that is present in the home so they can decide which extermination method to use. It is important the ants carry the pesticides back to the queen and young so the entire population will be taken care of.

If you are dealing with an ant problem and would like professional help, visit This site will give you information on the wide array of services they offer. Call them right away if you would like to schedule an appointment. They will be happy to help you get rid of your ant problems. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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