Four Tips for the Best Child Visitation Results

by | Feb 21, 2020 | Legal Services

Divorce is hard enough, but the stakes get even higher when you have children involved. This is one of the most serious moments of your entire life, so you need to go in prepared. Here are four tips for getting the best child visitation results from your Child Visitation Attorney in Keller, TX.

1. Keep Your Nose Clean

It’s important to stay out of trouble while negotiating a child arrangement. If you do anything to get yourself in trouble, you could end up with less visitation. Be careful to avoid risky situations and people.

2. Stay Positive

It can be easy to let anger get the best of you while going through such a tumultuous time. No matter what, you must do your best to stay kind and positive around your ex. This is especially true when you are in front of your children. Children can sense the negativity in the air, and you don’t want them to associate that negativity with you.

3. Get Creative

Look for places to get a little extra time with the children. Ask about picking them up from school sometimes or taking them to different extra-curricular activities. If you help your ex out, you can possibly get even more time.

4. Hire a Good Attorney

You need to have support and someone to argue your case effectively in front of the judge. The attorneys at Mitchell Law Firm can help you spend as much time with your children as possible.

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