5 Questions You Should Ask a Potential Dog Walker

by | Apr 26, 2017 | Pets

Exercise can do wonders for your dogs, not just for their health but for their mood and disposition too. Going on a walk can lift a dog’s spirits right up. Don’t have the time, though? No worries. Finding a reliable dog walker in Manhattan is a handy solution.

Given the horror stories out there, though, it’s crucial to hire the right walker. Asking the following questions should help:

Training & Experience
Extensive experience dealing with specific breeds or those that are about the same with or like yours is a good place to start. How many years of training do they have under their belt?

First Aid
A walker with a medical background, or one who knows how to apply first-aid emergency measures is an excellent walker to have. In case anything happens, your dog will receive the care and attention it needs.

Are You Bonded and Insured?
They should be. In case of accidents that injure your pets or property, you won’t have to worry about shelling out money for medical or treatment expenses. If your walker is bonded and insured, the insurance company will pick up the tab, not you.

Who Will My Dogs?
Dogs are sensitive creatures. You’ll want to pick a dog walker in Manhattan that your canine pal likes. Once you find out which walkers your dog feels comfortable with the most, then it’s best if the company assigns the same person/s to your dog. This will help build rapport and improve comfort levels.

How do you deal with behavioral issues?
Your pet might be well-mannered but if something happens to set your pet off, how will the walker deal with the problem? Knowing that can help you with your hiring decision, Whistle says.

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